Vanila cake and oreo stuffed choclate

Ingredents---- 125 gram milk choclate 125 gram dark choclate 4 drops Orange flavour 1 slices of vanilla cake 2 Oreo biscuits Sprinkles for decoration Method---- First chop both choclate Then melt it on double boiler Stir it continuously When it starts melting off flame And with spatula opposite clock wise stir it to melt properly and along with it will cool down also Then add drops of orange flavour and mix it Then take a mould and pour choclate in 1/4 mould Then place cake piece and Civer with choclate Keep in freeze for 5 min. Then carefully demould it In same manner prepare Oreo choclate also and demould it Make some leafs for garnishing Take sprinkles and leafs and garnish with the help of melted choclate Our gorgeous choclate are ready to serve