Watermelon gazpacho(pen)

#WATERMELON GAZPACHO SOUP Sweet,savoury,and spicy this cold soup known as gazpacho is perfect for weight loss,immunity,healthy and for summer and of course watermelon lovers.watermelon beet cucumber all are full of nutrients.in short this soup is full of vitamins and minerals in addition to fiber it contains iron , phosphorus,sodium zinc and copper minerals are supported by vitamin c and e in tomato. Ingredents-- 3cup watermelon 1 tomato 1/2 cucumber 1/4 beetroot 1 tbsp chop coriander leaves 1 tbsp basil finely chopped 1 tsp sugar Pinch of salt 1 /4 minced chilli Mint and watermelon scoops for garnish Method--- Cut watermelon tomato and cucumber and beet Add them in mixi and make puree of them In a bowl sieve them Add coriander,basil,salt,sugar and pepper Add lemon juice Add scoops in a shallow bowl and fill with gazpacho Serve chilled