Macaroni soup
Ingredients-- 1 cup macaroni 4 tomatoes 4 garlic cloves 1 onion 1/2 cup three bell peppers 2 tbsp corn Salt to taste 1 tsp pepper powder 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp butter Oregano Chilli flakes Coriander leaves Parsley 1 tbsp cornflour 1 tbsp water Method-- Blend tomatoes in mixi Heat butter and add minced garlic Roast a little and add onion Saute them and add corn and bell peppers Add tomato puree and 1/2 cup water Add macaroni and let them cook Add salt pepper and sugar Boil till macroni cooked Mix cornflour in water and add in soup Cook till soup become thick Sprinkle flakes and oregano Basil enhances its taste So add it and serve hot