make Tea party cookies

Tea party cookies | How to make Tea party cookies

About Tea party cookies Recipe

These red beautiful flowery cookies are ideal for tea party. Garam chai ki pyali ho,cookie koi matwali ho aur aadmi ko kya chahiye

Tea party cookies is a popular aromatic and delicious dish. You can try making this amazing Tea party cookies in your kitchen. This recipe requires 10 minutes for preparation and 20 minutes to cook. The Tea party cookies by Chandu Pugalia has detailed steps with pictures so you can easily learn how to cook Tea party cookies at home without any difficulty. Tea party cookies is enjoyed by everyone and can be served on special occasions. The flavours of the Tea party cookies would satiate your taste buds. You must try making Tea party cookies this weekend. Share your Tea party cookies cooking experience on the BetterButter platform. You can also use the "What's cooking" feature on the app to get in touch with other home chefs like Chandu Pugalia for inputs. In case you have any queries for Tea party cookies you can comment on the recipe page to connect with the Chandu Pugalia. You can also rate the Tea party cookies and give feedback.

HealthySnacksBakingPan AsianDinner PartyEasy

Ingredients to make Tea party cookies

3 cup MaidaSalt1 cup Butter1 Egg1 tsp Baking powder1 cup Sugar1 tsp Vanila essenceRed food colour

How to make Tea party cookies

Cream butter and sugar

Whisk egg and essence

Sieve maida and baking powder

Add gradually maida in butter mix

Add red colour as per desired colour you want

Mix all of them finely

This we don't want in dough shape but medium semi soft dough or not flowing consistency.

Fill this in piping bag and pipe on baking sheet

Bake in preheated oven for 10+15 min. At 180 degree

Let them cool

In center put some butter cream icing and decorate with sprinkles

These cookies will conquer all hearts

My Tip:

I made these cookies in ojas machine with long lines jaali.


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