Mango rasgulla cheesecake | How to make Mango rasgulla cheesecake

Mango rasgulla cheesecake | How to make Mango rasgulla cheesecake

About Mango rasgulla cheesecake Recipe

This is a mango cheesecake with rasgulla .it is a unique party recipe

Mango rasgulla cheesecake, a deliciously finger licking recipe to treat your family and friends. This recipe of Mango rasgulla cheesecake by Chandu Pugalia will definitely help you in its preparation. The Mango rasgulla cheesecake can be prepared within 10 minutes. The time taken for cooking Mango rasgulla cheesecake is 600 minutes. With such flavoursome ingredients, the dish tastes superb! This recipe is appropriate to serve 6 people. The recipe details out how to make Mango rasgulla cheesecake step by step. The detailed explanation makes Mango rasgulla cheesecake so simple and easy that even beginners can try it out. The recipe for Mango rasgulla cheesecake can be tweaked in a lot of ways to make it more interesting. So, the next time you have a party at home do not forget to check out the recipe of Mango rasgulla cheesecake

Ingredients to make Mango rasgulla cheesecake

For crust----

2 packet digestive biscuit

1 cup melted Butter

For filling----

1 cup Cream cheese

1 cup Mango puree

2 cup whipped Cream

2 sheets of china grass

For glaze-----

1 cup Mango puree

2 tbsp Water

2 tbsp Sugar

1 tbsp Lemon juice

Orange colour

For garnish-----

3 piece rasgulla

Whip Cream in piping bag

Some cherries

How to make Mango rasgulla cheesecake

First we crush biscuits

Melt butter

Add butter in crumb

Take a loose bottom pan and make a base of crust with biscuit butter mix

Keep in freezer for some time to set


Soak China grass in water

Take cream cheese and mango pulp and beat them

Add whipped cream and fold it nicely

Then add China grass in milk

Heat and stir it

When it dissolves off gas and sieve it

Pour this in cream cheese mix

Mix finely

Pour cream cheese mixture over the crust

Again keep in freezer for 4-5 hours to set


Take water and sugar in a pan.

Add mango puree and stir it

Cook for 3-4 minutes.till glossy

Add lemon juice

Let it cool

Add orange colour if required

Now pour this glaze over cake carefully and spread all over

Again let it set in freeze for 4-5 hours

At the time of serving pipe cream and place rasgoola

Garnish with cherry

My Tip:

If you want than add colour. I add because i want icing in yellow colour


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