Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling | How to make Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling

Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling | How to make Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling

Prep Time



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About Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling Recipe

Oats ansd spinach what a combination. Both are healthy. I make small cutr cones of chillas and fill them with stuffing. So enjoy guys

Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling, a marvellous creation to spice up your day. Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling is one dish that no matter how much the stomach might be full, you just can't stop yourself from having a bite. The relishing flavours, the appealing texture and the amazing aroma absolutely is just mouth-watering. The aroma which arises while cookingNutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling is just too tempting. This amazing recipe is provided by Chandu Pugalia. Be it kids or adults, no one can get away from this delicious dish. How to make Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling is a question which arises in people's mind quite often. So, the answer to this question is the simple yet exotic recipe by of Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty fillingby Chandu Pugalia. This recipe can even be tried by beginners. A few secret ingredients in this recipe just makes it the way it is served in restaurants. Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling is just the appropriate recipe to serve as many as 6. The cooking time for this delicacy is not much. So, the next time you have a get together or a night party at home, don't forget to check and try out this recipe. It's that one delicacy that everyone's definitely going to love it!


Breakfast and Brunch





Ingredients to make Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling

1 cup oats Flour

1/2 cup Spinach puree


1/2 tsp carrom seeds

1/2 tsp Red Chilli powder


1/2 tsp garam Masala

Water as required


1 tbsp Corn

1 tbsp Onion

1 tbsp Carrot

1 tbsp Cabbage

1 tbsp beans

1 tbsp Capsicum

1 green Chilli

2 tbs cooked maggi or noodles

1 tsp Oil




Red Chilli powder haldi

1 tsp Lemon juice

Coriander leaves

Green chutney and sauce for serving

How to make Nutritious Spinach oats chilla cone with tasty filling

Make oats powder

And make puree of spinach

Take a bowl and mix spices in it

Mix all ingredients and make a chills batter

For filling---

Heat oil and add jeera

Add onion and saute

Then mix carrot and beans

Cook them then add capsicum

Now add spices and coriander leaves

Our filling is ready

Now make chills and cut in half

Then make cone like samosa and insert toothpick in it

Now fill mixture

Prepare all of chills cones like that

Serve with green chutney and sauce


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