Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way | How to make Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way

Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way | How to make Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way

Prep Time



Cook Time









About Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way Recipe

Delcious treat of desert which can be served in any party,kitty party or welcoming is made of saffron and cardmon.very tasty and easy to make recipe.

Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way, a mouth-watering delicacy which no one can resist. Most people try this amazing dish at restaurants, but with this recipe you can easily make it at home with the same taste. This super quick and easy recipe is written by Chandu Pugalia. Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way is a dish which demands no explanations, it's a whole world of flavour in itself. Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way is a very simple and easy recipe to prepare. The time required to make this recipe is not very much, but the delicious taste it renders is just remarkable. This recipe of Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way by Chandu Pugalia is perfect to serve 4 people. Even beginners can also try this recipe. The recipe is explained step by step with pictures that it becomes very easy to understand each and every step, which actually turns out to be very useful. So, the next time you have a get together, night party, kitty party or any other occasion don't forget to try out the absolutely amazing Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way.




Dinner Party



Ingredients to make Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way

1 cup milk

1/2 cup Sugar / or as per taste

Saffron few strands

1/2 tsp cardmon essence

1 tbsp Jelatin

2 Cup Cream

Whip Cream and nuts for garnish

How to make Saffron cardmon pannacotta in my way

Heat milk

Add sugar

Add saffron

Add hot water in gelatin

When saffron milk boil off gas

Let it little cool

Now add cardmon essence

Add cream and mix finely

Sieve gelatin and add it in milk mix

Again mix and keep in freeze

Garnish with cream, pista and walnuts


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