Oreo tart with dragon fruit filling

#Oreo tart with dragon fruit creamy filling and fruits

For tart----

25 Oreo biscuits
2 cup melted butter

For filling----

1/2 dragon fruit
1/2 cup milkmaid
2 cup whip cream
1 gram agar agar

Fruits for topping----

10 strawberries
Scoops of dragon fruit
Black grapes
Green grapes
1 kiwi
1 orange


Crush Oreo biscuits
Melt butter and mix in Oreo powder
Take a mould and transfer biscuit mix in it
Set it with fingers according shape of tart mould
Keep in freeze for half an hour

For filling----
Make puree of dragon fruit

Take cream ,milkmaid in a bowl

And beat with beater

Add agar agar powder and beat

Then add dragon fruit puree and beat till thick

Pour it in mould and level with spatula

Again keep in freeze for set at least 2-3 hours

Then take it out from freeze

Cut fruits as desire

And decorate tart with fruits



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