Left over biryani stuffed beet buns | How to make Left over biryani stuffed beet buns

Left over biryani stuffed beet buns | How to make Left over biryani stuffed beet buns

Ingredients to make Left over biryani stuffed beet buns

1 cup Flour

1 tsp Yeast

1 tsp Sugar

1 tbsp Butter

1/4 tsp Salt

1/2 cup beetroot puree

1/2 cup leftover biryani

1 tsp black and white seasme seeds

Milk for milk wash

1 tbsp Butter

How to make Left over biryani stuffed beet buns

Add yeast in lukewarm water

Add sugar mix and keep it for 10 min.to activate

Take flour and salt

Make puree of beetroot

Take flour in bowl and make a well

Add yeast mix and make dough by adding beet puree instead of water

Now add butter in dough and knead it 7-8 min.

Cover with cling and keep at hot place till double

When it double knead again and devide in equal parts

Make balls spread one ball in your palm

And add biryani in it and join all sides and seal them

Make ball

Prepare all three like that

And keep in a greased tray

Cover them for 20 min.

Then give milk bath with brush

And add both sesame seeds

Preheat ovan

And bake them 15 -20 min .At 180 degree

Butter them and serve hot with sauce

Our flavoured biryani beet buns are ready

My Tip:

Slthough biryani is full of spices and flavours so there is hardly need of ingredents, if required add as your taste


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