Vegan broccoli pizza

For base---
1 broccoli
1/4 cup mozrella cheese
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp italian seasoning
1 egg
For Pizza--
3 tbsp tomato sauce
1/4 cup mushrooms
1/4 cup onion
4 cherry tomato
1 tbsp green capsicum
1 tbsp parsley
3 tbsp mozrella cheese
Steam broccoli  florets and grind it in mix
Make crumble
Transfer  in muslin cloth and rinse to remove water
Then take it in bowl
Beat egg in a bowl add salt and pepper
Mix it in broccoli
Now add cheese and herbs
Line a baking tray and spread this upon it
Set equally in desired shape with spectulla
Bake for 15 min. at 180 degree
Then take out from ovan and apply sauce upon it
Grate cheese and add desired veggies
Bake again for 15 min
Serve hot


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