Broccoli almond soup

#Brocolli almond soup
#date_15nth September


1/2 chopped brocolli
8-10 almonds
1 cup milk
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
1 chopped onion
Salt to taste and pepper


Boil water and add brocolli in it alongwith  salt
Heat butter in pan add onion and saute
Then add 1 bay leaf
Add flour also and roast it
When flour 's roasting done add milk and stir it continuously
Till then remove brocalli  from hot water and transfer in cold water
Then add it in mixi and blend finely
Chop soaked almonds and roast them in other pan
Sieve onion flour soup and again give boil
Then add brocolli paste and mix
Boil for 2 min.add salt and pepper and half almonds
At the time of serving add almonds in bowl and pour soup garnish with parsley
Serve this healthy lovely and creamy soup


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