Fruity kiwi modak


1 golden kiwi
1/2 cup suji
2 tbsp grated coconut /or coconut powder
2 tbsp almond powder
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp ghee
1 tsp Cardmon powder
5-6 kishmis
2 drops of yellow colour
Choclate for garnish


Chop kiwi and heat half ghee in pan
add kiwi and 1/2 cup water
Cook kiwi till soft
Then add sugar and cook till sugar dissolve
In other pan add suji,coconut powder and almond powder and roast a little
Add them in cooked kiwi
Add remaining ghee and some water and mix all of them
Stir till thick
Add cardmon powder and kishmis
Cool a little take modak mould and make modak of mix
Garnish with chocolate


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