Rasgoola cake with layered praline | How to make Rasgoola cake with layered praline

Rasgoola cake with layered praline | How to make Rasgoola cake with layered praline

About Rasgoola cake with layered praline Recipe

It is unique cake with crunch of praline as well softness of rasgoolas and choclate is in bonus

Rasgoola cake with layered praline, a marvelous creation to spice up your day. The relishing flavours, the appealing texture and the amazing aroma of Rasgoola cake with layered praline is just mouth-watering. This amazing recipe is provided by Chandu Pugalia. Be it kids or adults, no one can resist this delicious dish. How to make Rasgoola cake with layered praline is a question which arises in people's mind quite often. So, this simple step by step Rasgoola cake with layered praline recipe by Chandu Pugalia. Rasgoola cake with layered praline can even be tried by beginners. A few secret ingredients in Rasgoola cake with layered praline just makes it the way it is served in restaurants. Rasgoola cake with layered praline can serve 6 people. So, the next time you have a get together or a party at home, don't forget to check and try out Rasgoola cake with layered praline.

Ingredients to make Rasgoola cake with layered praline

For praline---

1 cup Castor Sugar

Pinch of Soda

1/2 cup crushed mix dry fruits

1 tsp Butter

Some Rose petals (optional)


1 cup Cream

2cup choclate

Choclate cake

For filling----

1 /2 cup thick custard

1/2 cup Cream Cheese

1 cup whipped Cream

How to make Rasgoola cake with layered praline

Take a pan and add castor sugar. Add pinch of soda and stir it continuously. Add butter and dry fruits. Spread it quickly on silicon mat and sprinkle some rose petals.Let it cool. Crush it in small pieces

Now take a pan and add cream. Pour this heated cream on chopped chocolate and stir it. It will melt and ganache is ready

For filling---Make thick custard and beat it, Add cream cheese and beat, Then add whipped cream and fold it in custard and cream cheese mix, Now mix 2tbsp crushed praline in it for crunch

For assembling cake---take a ring mould and cut the cake, now nake 3 slices of cake horigentally, In a plate take that ring mold and layer choclate cake at the bottom of mould, soak it with rasgoola syrup, then take ganache in piping bag and pipe over it, smooth the surface of cake

chop all rasgoolas except one

place half of chopped rasgoola upon ganache layer then set the other slice of cake over it. soak it with syrup

flattern it and sprinkle chikki pieces over it. now cover it with final layer of cake. soak it with syrup and keep in freeze for set 4 hours

finally take out cake from freeze and cover with ganache on the top and sides as well, at the bottom of cake stick some praline pieces all sides

pipe cream for dacoration with desired nozzle, in center keep a rasgoola and sprinkle praline powder all over the empty space of cake


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