Flavourful colourful nankhathai | How to make Flavourful colourful nankhathai

Flavourful colourful nankhathai | How to make Flavourful colourful nankhathai

Ingredients to make Flavourful colourful nankhathai

1 cup Ghee

1 cup powder Sugar

2 cup Flour

2 tsp cardmon powder

1/2 tsp Rose essence

Pink colour

1/2 tsp Pista essence

Green colour

Few Saffron strands

1 tsp lukewarm milk for soak Saffron

Pista almond flakes for garnish

How to make Flavourful colourful nankhathai

Take ghee and sugar

Whisk them

Sieve flour and mix in ghee mix

Add cardmon powder

Mix all of them and bring together

Now devide this in 3 parts

Take rose essence and pink colour and mix in mixture

Not mix finely then it will come shaded

In second part add pista essence and green colour

Soak saffron in lukewarm milk

Mix saffron mix and yellow colour in third part

Now devide each part in same size balls

Roll in palm and press a little

On rose cookies set some pista on top in center

On pista cookies set some almonds

And on saffron cookies add again some pista

Bake them in preheated ovan for 15 min at 180 degree

Let them cool for 30 min.

Ready to serve

In third part


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